- Beggars Ride (1996) Bettlers Ritt, Heyne SF 5883 (Oktober
- Band 3 der Sleepless Trilogie. Im 22. Jahrhundert stehen zwei
Generationen der genetisch modifizierten Übermenschen, die "Schlaflosen"
und die "Superschlaflosen" in Konflikt. Da auch die zunehmende
Spaltung der normalen Menschheit in arm und reich für steigende Spannungen
sorgt, scheint die Existenz der Menschheit in Gefahr zu sein.
- "Now the trilogy is completed in Beggars Ride , a compelling
novel of science fiction that raises one of the most ambitious and largescale
works of the decade to the status of finished masterpiece. Kress, a writer
who has been appropriately compared to H.G.Wells and Aldous Huxley, deals
with evolutionary forces, genetic engineering, technological progress,
and social and class conflict, confronting enduring issues that face human
society in this century and the next...Nancy Kress has written a work of
fiction that culminates and brings to new fruition the Wellsian strain
of SF invented a century ago."
- Klappentext